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About Our
Medical Massage Clinic

Return to Harmony specializes in providing a comprehensive range of therapeutic services, with a special focus on medical massage. Our dedicated team of professionals excels in delivering exceptional care for individuals seeking relaxation, injury and scar tissue repair, body maintenance, as well as sports massage. What sets us apart is our unique ability to prevent and repair muscle, tendon, and ligament damage using our proprietary medical massage technique. Our highly effective healing protocols can be utilized independently or in conjunction with other medical treatments, sports training, physical therapy, and chiropractic visits. Discover the transformative power of our medical massage services at Return to Harmony.
Besides injury protocols we also offer Therapeutic Massage services and Thai Massage for anyone looking for good body maintenance. Our medical massage techniques have many benefits for the body such as decrease stress, improved sleep, treating and preventing injuries, improved range of motion, decreasing stress headaches and jaw clenching and body maintenance for those who work manual labor or have poor posture issues that cause body distortions over time.
While clients needs differ, we can improve almost anyone’s situation. Using the Kametz Method™ we can reduce scar tissue build up, reduce muscle tension, realign muscle fibers, reduce pain, reduces numbness and tingling and return strength and range of motion back. We have helped people with every day injuries, those who have had unsuccessful surgeries, those who would like to avoid surgery, professional athletes, work related injuries, post surgery scar tissue build up, car accident victims, and those with various disease states. We develop a medical massage treatment program that is carefully tailored to the clients current abilities and treatment needs.
When coming to our clinic for an ailment, one of our therapists will conduct an assessment on your first visit, map out problem areas and identify scar tissue in order to decide what kind of massage protocol is needed to help heal your injury. We highly recommend to schedule a 70 Minutes New Client Assessment for your first time visit.
Contact Us for more information or to schedule an appointment
Our amazing therapists are all trained in the Kametz method.
Our massage services are all tailored to the unique needs of our clients.