Kametz Method Massage:  This is a relatively new modality developed and practiced exclusively at RTH .  Using a process known as the Kametz MethodTM, we can break down scar tissue that has developed from an injury (new or old) and re-align muscle, tendon and ligament fibers.  By doing this over several weeks, we can help heal the damaged tissue and reduce pain and discomfort.  It is a deeper tissue massage that can cause soreness in the short term, but will alleviate the underlying problem in the long term.

Sports Massage:  As the name suggests, sports massage is geared towards athletes who are trying to maximize their potential and maintain their bodies during training.  It is a faster pace massage that helps keep the body loose, works out lactic acid that builds up during high level activity, and using Kametz Method techniques, repairs microfiber tears that occur from lots of activity.

Combination Massage:  Another exclusive treatment at Return to Harmony.  This type of massage breaks down scar tissue and flushes lymph and synovial fluids from joints and regenerates nerves, all at the same time.  This type of massage is lighter in pressure than a traditional Kametz Method massage, best for those with autoimmune disease, those who can’t handle deeper pressure due to body sensitivities, or have nerve damage.

Thai Massage:  This type of massage is done with the client dressed in comfortable clothing on a mat.  It is an 80 min session where the body is compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked to relax the whole body to a deeper level. The benefits of traditional Thai massage are much improved mobility, range of motion, flexibility, improved circulation, release of muscle tension, as well as stress relief.

Lymphatic Massage:  Lymphatic Massage or lymph drainage a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart.  Manual lymph drainage uses a specific amount of pressure and rhythmic circular movements to stimulate lymph flow.  Patients with auto-immune disorders such as fibromyalgia, MS, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome usually benefit the most from this therapy.

Pregnancy Massage:  Pregnancy Massage is a full body massage that help women with lower back pain or discomfort related to the pregnancy.  The use of pregnancy pillows allows maximum comfort and patients can be side laid towards the end of pregnancy as well to continue receiving therapy.  Increased circulation, better sleep, decreased stress and relief of muscle pain are all benefits of pregnancy massage.

Reflexology:  Reflexology or Foot Massage is a very sought after massage for those who stand a lot, or work laboring jobs.  Sore feet and extended standing contribute to compensation problems that will lead to sore knees, hips and low back.  Take care of your feet and body by incorporating reflexology into your care.  This can be booked as an independent session or added to or incorporated into any other type of massage session.